jueves, 20 de septiembre de 2007

Fiesta en La Salvaje

Hace unos días, nos llegó a la redacción un mail, que decidimos no publicar, básicamente porque no afectaba de forma directa a la población de Aranguren, pero debido a la insistencia de los remitentes del mail, y alguna que otra amenaza recibida por estas personas, hemos decidido cambiar de opinión. Así que haya va:
"Hola a todos a todos los lectores de este diario:
Tras el fiestón que se montó el pasado viernes 14, hemos decidido aprovechar que el 21 es oficialmente el fin del verano para quemar todos los cartuchos!!!
Habrá más sonido, más luces, más potencia, más barra, más alcohol, …!
Los deejays irán en otro lado integrándoles en el propio txiringuito(con esto vas a flipar)!
Habrá show de percusión by Percuman!
Habrá espectáculo con bengalas y algún que otro fuego artificial!El viernes pasado fuimos 1500 aproximadamente. Ahora que todo el mundo habrá acabado exámenes, que han sido las inauguraciones del Fever y del Image, que no hay partido en San Mamés, la buena va a ser el fiestón en la playa de la Salvaje!
Recuérdalo!VIERNES 21 de Septiembre! Fiestón salvaje en la Salvaje de Sopelana!!!
Os esperamos! Un saludo.
La Organización de la fiesta se reserva el derecho de cualquier modificación, y para más información estamos en el teléfono siguiente:656759467"
Ahora esperamos los agradecimientos de la organización por la publicidad gratuita que les estamos realizando.

1 comentario:

Anónimo dijo...

Help stop false rape charges
Help stop criminal police and court support workers

In 2002 Deb LeMour of the Woodstock Children’s Aid Society went to the police and reported that she believed Peter Tarbat murdered his daughter Keira Tarbat.
Deb LeMour did this even though she was told that it was SIDS that took Keira Tarbat’s life, not her loving father.
In 2004 Sgt Elaina Taylor of the Woodstock Police asked the Toronto police to investigate Peter Tarbat for the murder of Keira Tarbat, Taylor did this knowing that Keira Tarbat passed from SIDS, there was already a police report to that effect, but Sgt Elaina Taylor ordered that investigation anyway.
Peter Tarbat offered a divorce from 2002 to 2004, multiple times to his wife’s lawyer Dianne Abbott, he did not get a reply.
Peter Tarbat was at the same residents in Waterloo for two years. The police, lawyers, CAS and the Woodstock Crown were more than aware of his address. Peter Tarbat in 2004 found out that a divorce went through; he was told he was served via email. That was a lie. Peter Tarbat said he would appeal the divorce. Days later eleven warrants were issued by Sgt Elaina Taylor including assault, rape and forcible confinement, these charges went back eighteen years? and only came about after Peter Tarbat said he would appeal the divorce.
Peter Tarbat was arrested six months later at gun point by a Woodstock cop in Toronto, taken back to Woodstock and beaten by Woodstock police.
Peter Tarbat received bail; he was order to stay inside his home, that lasted a year.
Crown Ass Michael Carnegie knew these charges were the work of a dirty cop, he told Peter Tarbat’s lawyer that these charges have more to do with Sgt Elaina Taylor then they do why the complainant.
Carnegie was willing to drop 9 of the 11 charges right away, this is a normal tactic of Crown lawyer’s. They beat you into submission with the threat of multiple charges. After one year on bail and debt mounting Peter Tarbat was force to plead guilty to a lesser charge that the court allowed him to make up?
Peter Tarbat was sentence to one-year house arrest and 4 years probation, he was ordered to have no contact with his daughter and son for that period.
These is so much more to this injustice against Peter Tarbat, lying police, crown lawyers knowingly breaking the law and CAS workers threatening the supposed victim, relatives and Peter Tarbat’s family.
Peter Tarbat with our help has raised $ 25000.00 for a suit against all parties involved. Corrupt police and Feminist crown lawyers and CAS workers will be sued for the five years of harassment Peter Tarbat has suffered.
If you would like to donate to help stop the destruction of the family by an out of control feminist court system, please email us at tarspot@msn.com and we will send you more info and tell you where you can donate.
The illegal system must be stopped as well as the feminazi’s at the CAS. Family destroyers. Peter Tarbat wants these false charges removed from his record or brought to trial so he can be proved 100% innocent.
Please write the Prime minister at pm@pm.gc.ca and the Premier of Ontario at https://www.premier.gov.on.ca/feedback/feedback.asp